L A T V I A - R I G A

With a dual German-Latvian citizenship Dace Luters-Thümmel has also an additional and particular expertise in Latvian law. She is one of the few attorneys-at-law in Germany who are admitted to the German and Latvian Bar Associations and courts likewise. She is also cooperating with the Pan-Baltic Law Firm Kronbergs Čukste LEVIN of LEVIN LAW Alliance in Riga/Tallinn/Vilnius to provide services not only for Latvia, but also for the whole Baltic region.

Her particular expertise not only derives from dual citizenship, but also from the bilingual mastery of two mother tongues and continuous legal consultancy in Latvia since 1998. Clients are companies of different legal structures as well as individuals. On behalf of the European Commission attorney-at-law Luters-Thümmel has also been intensively consulting the Latvian government, ministers, Parliament and other governmental institutions during the Pre-Accession phase before the Republic of Latvia became a Member State of the European Union. In that capacity she was also involved in the parliamentary debates before the Latvian Commercial Code was adopted. Nowadays she still consults her clients in cross-border Latvian cases on a daily basis.