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For more than 20 years Dace Luters-Thümmel consults companies of different sizes and public authorities regarding drafting, transposition, implementation, application and enforcement of EU law for the sake of attracting and protection of foreign investments. Contracting bodies are the European Commission, European organisations and internationally active companies from different EU Member States. Addressees and stakeholders of public EU projects are Parliaments, politicians, national governments or ministries. Dace Luters-Thümmel represents also companies and individuals Europe-wide in litigation and enforcement that is related to EU law. Particular areas of expertise are the Internal Market, European Competition law, European company law and the Digital Single Market.

In her capacity as Secretary General and Board Member of the European Women Lawyers Association she speaks and represents the association at different events and at hearings of the European Parliament and national parliaments on various kinds of issues related to the balanced participation of women in decision-making and women on boards.