Dace L. Luters-Thümmel, M.E.L.S. (Luxembourg/Nancy 2)
[Dace L. Lutere-Timmele]- attorney at law - zv. advokāte (ES) - Master of European Legal Studies (Luxembourg/Nancy) -

and... sports-minded art lover,
member of TC Blau-Weiss Neuss and
German football club BVB Dortmund
fan club Brussels.
Working languages
German, Latvian, English, French
basic knowledge of Spanish and Russian
admitted to the German and Latvian courts, member of both Bars.
with additional offices in Riga (LV) and Brussels (B)
- EU Law (Internal Market, Competition Law, Company Law, Digital Single Market)
- IT Law, GDPR
- Corporate and Commercial Law
- Civil Law
- Latvian Law, in particular Latvian Corporate and Commercial Law